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Joe Berlinger
: Stephen Barker Turner
Erica Leerhsen

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Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows
This is kind of the antithesis of the Blair Witch Project. Bright colors, stable camerawork, nudity, special effects. The movie starts out with a bunch of teens and twenty-somethings going on a Blair Witch-inspired tour. Of course, their "guide" is a mental patient who's never given this tour before. If the bad stereotypes don't offend you, you'll certainly get disgusted at the ill-advised complaining about the original. I mean, I'm not a huge Blair Witch fan, but when the people in this movie say it should've have more violence and nudity, it seems really stupid. That's one of the few things I liked about the Blair Witch Project. The plot wasn't fouled up by a lot of sex, and the violence was implied rather than shown explicitly.

Of course this group is filming their adventures as well. After some boozing and pot smoking, everyone apparently blacks out and loses several hours. The film is gone, but Trystan finds it under the rock where Heather's film was found in the last movie. Meanwhile Trystan has a miscarriage. They head to Jeff's house, who lives in an abandoned factory where he sells Blair Witch paraphernalia on Ebay.

They watch the film to find that Erica the good witch was dancing naked on it. Of course this leads to Erica's freaking out, lighting candles and chanting and so on. And in general people start doing weird things. The goth chick goes to the store, only to wreck because she sees ghost-children in the road. The bridge out front keeps appearing and disappearing. Everyone gets strange sores on their bodies. A drowned girl walking backwards is seen a few times.

Trystan suggests watching the films backward. They do, but Erica isn't there and Trystan has her back turned. The films seem to show everyone having a big drug and sex orgy. Trystan and Erica seem to be the leaders of the goings-on. Trystan starts freaking out, and ends up getting hanged.

Without spoiling the ending (well, the ending is spoiled by numerous flash-forwards throughout the film), their seems to be something going on with the film itself. When Jeff, the goth chick, and Trystan's husband watch it backwards, Erica and Trystan seem to be psycho homicidal bitches. When other people, e.g. cops, watch it forwards, it's a different matter entirely. Which poses the questions: Were Trystan and Erica the "sane" ones, as is implied in the end? Were the other three insane, or was the Blair Witch or someone making them see the film the way they saw it?

My friend and I saw this in the theater, unwisely, since the Exorcist was also playing at the time. Since we had a long drive home, we came up with some weird theories on the film. There seem to be strange visual cues telling you what parts are "real" and which are imaginary/insane. There is a definite division between Erica and Trystan and the other three, and you see this numerous times in the movie. Not to mention that Erica and Trystan end up dead. The film is played backwards, the drowned girl walks backwards, the bridge is broken then suddenly back to normal. I think only Trystan and Erica saw the drowned girl, while the other three saw the broken bridge. I don't know where I'm going with this.

Well, I suppose this is a decent movie to watch, but don't expect it to live up to the first one. The acting isn't too bad, but the story had a few (thousand) loose ends. Blair Witch II can be summed up by saying it's just another attempt to cash in on a franchise.

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